Singing Guide: Avicii feat. Chris Martin

Singing Guide: Avicii feat. Chris Martin

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

How to Sing Like Chris Martin from Avicii

If you are looking to learn singing like Chris Martin from Avicii, you are in the right place! This guide will give you a comprehensive view of some vocal techniques, exercises, and some recommended songs from Chris Martin to master his vocal range and tone.

Chris Martin's Vocal Technique

Chris Martin has a unique and soulful voice that has captivated millions of fans worldwide. He has a soaring and open tone with a vocal range that can hit high notes easily. His singing technique involves opening his mouth, throat, and singing from the diaphragm. He incorporates vibrato, dynamics, and falsetto techniques into his singing.

Exercises to Improve Your Singing like Chris Martin

If you want to improve your singing like Chris Martin, you should focus on the following exercises:

  1. Breath Control:Good breath control is essential for any singer. To improve your breath control, start with diaphragmatic breathing exercises. Inhale deeply, hold it, and exhale slowly. This exercise helps develop your lung capacity and breath control.
  2. Vocal Warm-up:Always warm-up before singing to avoid straining your vocal cords. Humming, lip trills, and tongue trills are excellent warm-up exercises.
  3. Vowel Sounds:Focus on proper vowel pronunciation to improve your singing. Chris Martin's singing style features wide-open vowels, which produce an open, resonant sound. Practice singing vowels with a wide-open mouth and good posture.
  4. Phrasing and Dynamics:Develop your phrasing and dynamics by practicing singing various songs. Experiment with dynamic changes such as loud to soft or vice versa.
  5. Vibrato:Chris Martin's singing style consists of incorporating vibrato, which creates a warm tone that adds feeling to his songs. Practice singing long notes and add vibrato to them.

Recommended Songs from Chris Martin

Chris Martin's vocal style is versatile, and he has sung many songs with different tones and vocal ranges. Some of his most well-known songs are:

  • The Scientist
  • Yellow
  • Fix You
  • Viva La Vida
  • Hymn for the Weekend
  • Magic

How Singing Carrots' Can Help You Learn

Singing Carrots' has numerous vocal training resources that can help you improve your singing. Here are some recommended Singing Carrots resources to aid you in your journey:

  1. Vocal Range Test:Determine your vocal range with Singing Carrots' Vocal Range Test, which compares your range to famous singers.
  2. Pitch Accuracy Test:Check your pitch accuracy with a melody-based test with Singing Carrots'.
  3. Pitch Training:Improve your pitch accuracy, agility, and range with Singing Carrots' pitch training exercises.
  4. Song Search:Utilize Singing Carrots' song search tool to find songs that match your vocal range and preference.
  5. Artist Vocal Ranges:Discover the vocal ranges of over 5000 famous artists with Singing Carrots'.
  6. Singing Course:Improve your singing knowledge by taking Singing Carrots' online singing course, which covers singing theory and practical tips.


Learning to sing like Chris Martin is possible with practice and understanding his vocal techniques and tonal quality. Utilize Singing Carrots' resources and exercises mentioned in this article to improve your singing. By focusing on breath control, vowel pronunciation, dynamics, and vibrato techniques, you can improve your voice and sing like Chris Martin.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.